Award-winning author Charlotte Whitney grew up on a farm in Michigan and spent much of her career working at the University of Michigan, including the prestigious Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts Program. Researching, writing, and revising--she enjoys it all. Living in Arizona with her husband and two Labrador retrievers, she enjoys hiking, bicycling, and yoga. Guilty pleasures: tiramisu, Netflix, and staring dreamily into space.
In keeping with the theme of 1930s farm life, the setting of THREADS, I'm posting this photo of my mother and her younger sister, along with her pet lamb. Her parents ran out of food that year and the lamb had to be slaughtered. All the rest of her life, and she lived to be 96, my mother would eat anything--except lamb. Ironically, my mother's name was Mary.
My friend Jane's recipe for Wacky Cake, a dessert from the Depression. This is extra special in that the recipe was written by Jane's grandma--her own handwriting. In THREADS Mrs. Vandenberg makes a Wacky Cake for the church potluck. If you would like the complete recipe go to CONTACT and put "Wacky Cake Recipe" in the message.
Here's a photo of my mother and her older sister Alma wearing their Sunday best.
This family photo shows the workhorse doing double duty as the family transportation as well as being used in the fields to drive the plows. Many farmers couldn't afford to buy a Model A or Model T and continued to use the horses.
This family photo details the pride of owning a car. Notice the haystack, barn, silo tool shed, and granary in the background.
In this photo my Great-grandpa Mulvany and Great Aunt Gladys demonstrate the height of the snow drift.
My Grandpa Bosserd and Great Uncle Charlie are proud of their hunting skills. During the Depression venison was an important source of meat for farmers.